Travel Tips
There are 2 airports close to Denia which are available to fly to from the UK:
Valencia Airport
To Denia (110km) - 1hr 10m drive
Alicante Airport
To Denia (90km) - 1hr drive
Airport To Denia
Rental Car
All regular rental cars are available at both airports.Taxi
Taxis or Ubers are readily available.Approx price to Denia is €120.
Buses are available from both airports.
Hotel Recommendations
There are many great accommodation options in Denia, ranging from Hotels to Airbnb’s. We would highly recommend staying close to the Marina/Posada Del Mar as this is where our transport for the wedding will pick you up. It is also the best location for Cafe’s, Bars and Restaurants. Of the many hotels, we suggest you take a look at the following 3:
Email info@laposadadelmar.com and quote ‘Harding Wedding’. Booking available.
Email info@hotelelraset.com and quote ‘Harding Wedding’.